Obstacles vs Opportunities

Adebola Alabi
2 min readJun 26, 2020


In every obstacles, there are some opportunities.

Photo by Jenny Hill on Unsplash

On your way towards your goals.
Do you see any obstacles?
Are you letting the obstacles stop you from moving forward?
Will you allow the obstacles to deter you from achieving your goals?

Obstacles will tell you that you can’t achieve the goal.
It will give you all the reasons why you shouldn’t even try.
It will remind you of your past attempt at something similar and how you failed.
It will tell you that it’s not even worth the effort.

It’s siblings — roadblocks & disappointments
It’s cousins — challenges & difficulties
Are all telling you the same thing
That you are less than capable.

But you need to rise up and follow your dreams.
You need to acknowledge obstacles, and it’s relatives,
But still move forward towards your goals despite them.

“Opportunity dances with those already on the dance floor” — H. Jackson Brown, Jr

If you do, you will be opening up doors for opportunities.
Opportunities create room for progress and advancement.
Opportunities expand your horizon and make you see a new perspective.

Opportunity is eager to welcome you to its warm embrace.
It believes in you.
It’s telling you that you are more than capable.
It’s saying that when you dream, and you pursue your dreams with passion.
You can see your dream come true.
You can create the life that you desire.

Opportunity is knocking. Obstacle is on the way.
What will you do?
You should jump over the obstacle to the open arms of opportunity.

I got this inspiration from Connie Song, just trying out if I can write poems.



Adebola Alabi

A Certified Financial Education Instructor. Mission is to help bring out the best in others. Thanks for reading my work. Check my website www.winnersways.com.